Splendid to See Ya!

I’m Grace Anderson and I’m the gal who starts “the wave” in a crowd.

I find joy in smiles, stories, and sagas of all of the people I’ve met.

I also find joy in perusing through my mother’s recipe book, listening to other people’s Spotify Wrapped, and secretly planting plastic flamingos in the front yards of my neighbors. 

If my house was on fire and I could only grab one thing, I’d save the bottom-right drawer of my desk. Sleuth through it and you’ll find a heap of every thank you note, birthday card, and letter I’ve ever received. Gratitude keeps my glass half-full.

I like to say “yes.”

I still say YOLO.

My favorite holiday is Halloween… It’s the one day of the year there are no questions asked when dressed up as Alan from The Hangover. And on the topic of costumes, I refuse to graduate from the University of Oregon until I am suited up in the Duck mascot costume AT LEAST once.